


面板股價跌至此,明年景氣反彈也無望之下,有面板廠主管指出,現在應該是政府出手的時候,趁此機會整合上中下游,整合出一家重量級公司與韓商對抗,否則多數銀行均是面板廠參貸銀行,也是DRAM產業的參貸行,任何一家公司出問題,對金融體系都相當不利。 (面板股價 僅3檔兩位數




LG Display、Sharp、與華映三家被美國司法部指控有合謀決定面板價格、互相提供銷售資料等行為,影響Dell、Apple、Motorola等美國電子製造商,時間從2001年到2006年(司法部的新聞稿)。罰款金額是根據公司的營業額決定的。


  • Participating in meetings, conversations, and communications in Taiwan, Korea and the United States to discuss the prices of TFT-LCD panels;
  • Agreeing during those meetings, conversations and communications to charge prices of TFT-LCD panels at certain pre-determined levels;
  • Issuing price quotations in accordance with the agreements reached; and
  • Exchanging information on sales of TFT-LCD panels, for the purpose of monitoring and enforcing adherence to the agreed-upon prices.

靠!看來是罪證確鑿,price quotation、Meeting records應該是決定性證據。


  • Participating in bilateral meetings, conversations, and communications in Japan and the United States to discuss the prices of TFT-LCD panels to be sold to Dell, Apple and Motorola;
  • Agreeing during those bilateral meetings, conversations and communications to charge prices of TFT-LCD panels at certain pre-determined levels to Dell, Apple and Motorola;
  • Issuing price quotations in accordance with the agreements reached; and
  • Exchanging information on sales of TFT-LCD panels to be sold to Dell, Apple and Motorola, for the purpose of monitoring and enforcing adherence to the agreed-upon prices.



美國司法部的判決會接連牽動其他國家的price fixed調查,看來面板業的這個寒冬真的很難熬。



Sharp ADR表現




  1. 事實發生日:97/11/13
  2. 契約相對人:美國司法部
  3. 契約起迄日期(或解除日期):97/11/13起
  4. 主要內容:中華映管股份有限公司,於台灣時間2008 年11月13日與美國司法部達成協議。針對美國司法部所指控,中華映管股份有限公司曾於2001年9月到2006年12月之間,與其他之TFT-LCD製造商,對於面板價格之不當競爭行為,中華映管股份有限公司與美國司法部達成協議,中華映管股份有限公司同意支付六千五百萬美金的罰金,並持續配合相關調查。上述本案相關之費用業已提列完成,故此協議之履行不會對本公司之財務及業務有重大影響。
  5. 對公司財務、業務之影響(解除者不適用):不適用。上述本案相關之費用業已提列完成,故此協議之履行不會對本公司之財務及業務有重大影響



Japan's Sharp Corp (6753.T: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz) said on Thursday it will book a $120 million fine payment over a U.S. cartel case as a special loss in the current quarter and cut some executives' pays by 10-30 percent for three months

LG Display被罰的金額高達400 million美金,創美國司法部所罰的第二高金額。LPL也是提列當季損失:

This will have a temporary impact on our fourth-quarter earnings but will remove uncertainties in the future.

更多新聞可以查Google News


2008-11-13 12:24

美國司法部今天宣布,包括台灣中華映管股份有限公司、韓國樂喜金星顯示器(LG Display),以及日本夏普公司在內的三家電子產品製造廠商,因承認針對液晶顯示面板合謀定價,在與控方達成認罪協議後,被處以合計五億八千五百萬美元罰金。 這項案件是在舊金山聯邦地方法院提出,由華盛頓司法部的反托拉斯助理檢察長做出宣布。









LG Display, Sharp Shares Fall on Price-Fixing Fine (Update2)

By Kevin Cho

Nov. 13 (Bloomberg) -- LG Display Co., Sharp Corp. and Chunghwa Picture Tubes Ltd. tumbled in Asian trading after the three liquid-crystal-display makers agreed to plead guilty and pay $585 million in fines for conspiring to fix prices.

LG Display, based in Seoul, dropped as much as 15 percent to 19,250 won on the Korea Exchange. Osaka-based Sharp lost as much as 8.7 percent on the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Chunghwa Picture fell by the 7 percent daily limit as of 11:37 a.m. in Taipei.

The fines will further undermine the LCD makers' earnings at a time when a glut in the $82 billion industry is driving down prices and forcing manufacturers to scale back production plans. The $400 million that LG Display, the world's second-largest LCD maker, agreed to pay is the second-highest criminal fine the U.S Department of Justice's antitrust division has imposed.

``This adds to the negative sentiment that's already plaguing the industry,'' said Jason Kang, an analyst at Daewoo Securities Co. in Seoul. ``The fine is bigger than expected and it will be difficult to predict favorable results from other regions such as the EU.''

Sharp will pay $120 million and Taoyuan, Taiwan-based Chunghwa Picture Tubes will pay $65 million for conspiring with LG Display and other unnamed companies, the Justice Department said yesterday.

Regulators in the U.S., South Korea, Japan and Europe first disclosed in December 2006 that they were investigating LCD makers, including industry leader Samsung Electronics Co., of price fixing.

Japanese, Korean Investigations

Japan's Fair Trade Commission is still conducting a separate investigation into price-fixing activities in the country, Toshiyuki Nanbu, director of management and planning at the regulator, said today, declining to say when a ruling may be made.

South Korea's antitrust regulator is also continuing its probe, Kim Dae Young, an official at the Korea Fair Trade Commission' International Cartel Division, said today.

Miwako Suetsune, a spokeswoman at the European Commission Delegation in Tokyo, wasn't immediately available for comment.

LG Display, Chunghwa and others met several times from 2001 to 2006 in so-called ``crystal meetings'' to set prices on desktop computer, laptop and television screens, Assistant Attorney General Thomas Barnett, who heads the antitrust division, said yesterday.

Under the plea deal, Sharp Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Katsuhiko Machida and other company directors will give back 10 percent to 30 percent of their compensation for three months beginning in December.

``Sharp understands the gravity of this situation and will strengthen and thoroughly implement measures to prevent the recurrence of this kind of problem,'' it said in a statement.

Over Five Years

LG Display will pay the fine over five years from 2009 and reflect the entire amount as non-operating expenses this quarter, said Park Sang Bae, a spokesman for the company. The panel maker said in a statement it doesn't expect its relationship with customers and future sales to be affected.

``We haven't engaged in any meetings nor communications on the matter with other LCD makers since the lawsuit started, and we will ensure we won't do so in the future,'' James Wu, chief financial officer of Chunghwa Picture, said by telephone.

Wu said the $65 million fine won't be booked as a one-time expense because the company had set aside special funds for legal expenses every month for some time.

Samsung, AU Optronics Corp. and Chi Mei Optoelectronics Corp. were among companies that said in 2006 they were being investigated for price-fixing.

Case Ongoing

``Samsung has pledged full and continuous cooperation with the DOJ's ongoing investigation,'' James Chung, a spokesman for the Suwon, Korea-based company, said today.

Yawen Hsiao, an AU spokeswoman, said she couldn't immediately comment, while Denis Chen, a finance director at Chi Mei, declined to comment.

LG Display said last month its third-quarter net income fell 44 percent while Samsung also posted a 44 decline in profit from LCDs because of falling panel prices. AU Optronics, the world's third-largest LCD maker, reported a bigger-than-estimated decline in quarterly profit.

Under EU rules, companies can be fined up to 10 percent of annual revenue for breaking antitrust laws. In Japan and South Korea, penalties may be as high as 10 percent of the related product's sales during the period of the offense.

Record EU Fine

Cie. de Saint-Gobain SA, Asahi Glass Co., and a Nippon Sheet Glass Co. unit were fined a record 1.38 billion euros ($1.7 billion) this week by the European Union over claims the companies fixed the price of car windows. Saint-Gobain, Europe's largest building-materials supplier, was fined 896 million euros, the highest against a single company, the European Commission said in a Nov. 12. statement.

In 2006, consumers sued LCD makers over price fixing, citing enforcement raids and investigations in Asia and Europe and a criminal grand jury investigation in San Francisco. Lawsuits filed in various states allege that the companies illegally conspired to fix prices for computer laptop and desktop monitors. The complaints, consolidated in San Francisco, seek unspecified damages and a refund for consumers.

In August this year, a federal judge refused to fully dismiss consumer claims against the companies.

To contact the reporter on this story: Kevin Cho in Seoul at kcho2@bloomberg.net

Last Updated: November 12, 2008 22:57 EST





結論:經濟部,請想清楚是誰需要誰。如果明明有較高的bargaining power而不好好運用,這是失職。