★美國司法部新聞稿:Former Executive Indicted for His Role in Two Cathode Ray Tube Price-Fixing Conspiracies
自從1995年彩色映像管發生全面性的短缺之後,彩色映像管廠商在一片缺貨聲中積極投入生產線的擴充及設立新工廠,加上1996年的市場狀況不如預期,使得彩色映像管產業自1996年起相繼產生供過於求的情況,如此的情況使得彩色映像管產品價格持續探底,至1997年下半年低價電腦的盛行, 以及亞洲金融風暴的引爆,使得彩色映像管產品價格更是雪上加霜,一直延燒至1998年上半年,由於彩色映像管廠商為避免情況持續惡化,在相繼減產的狀況下,聯合將14吋與15吋彩色映像管的價格提高了10~15%不等,但由於日本大部分的廠商早已完全放棄生產14吋與15吋的彩色映像管,因此受惠的廠商只有台灣與南韓兩國的廠商而已。
Former Chunghwa chief indicted for role in conspiracy
Thursday, Feb 12, 2009, Page 11
A former electronics executive from Taiwan was charged on Tuesday with taking part in a global price-fixing conspiracy involving cathode ray tubes (CRTs), the US Justice Department said.
A federal grand jury in San Francisco indicted former Chunghwa Picture Tubes Ltd (中華映管) chairman and chief executive Lin Cheng-yuan (林鎮源) for allegedly fixing prices of CRTs used in computer monitors and televisions, the department said.
Lin, also known as CY Lin, was the first person charged in connection with an antitrust division investigation into the CRT industry.
He is already under indictment in connection with a price-fixing case involving Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) panels.
Lin, another former executive at Chunghwa and an executive of South Korea’s LG Display Co Ltd were indicted a week ago for allegedly taking part in a global conspiracy to fix prices of LCD panels.
In the latest indictment, the Justice Department accused Lin of “conspiring with others to suppress and eliminate competition by fixing prices, reducing output and allocating market shares” of color display tubes (CDTs) and color picture tubes (CPTs) between 1997 and 2003.
CDTs and CPTs are both types of CRTs. CDTs are used in computer monitors while CPTs are used in color TVs.
“This conspiracy harmed countless Americans who purchased computers and televisions using cathode ray tubes sold at fixed prices,” said Scott Hammond, acting assistant attorney general in the antitrust division.