友 | 達 | |
奇 | 奇友 友奇 | 奇達 達奇 |
美 | 友美 美友 | 達美 美達 |
我建議,仿TSMC,取成Taiwan Panel Manufacturing Company=TPMC好了~
兩家合併的風聲真的傳蠻久的。兩家若是合併,對整個產業都是好事,over capacity的情況會改善。之後,幾頭巨獸分別是:AUO+CMO、Samsung(+Sony)、LG、Sharp(+Sony)。
LCD Makers to Benefit From Taiwan Consolidation
By Kim Yoo-chul
Staff Reporter
Along with the memory chip sector, the global flat-screen panel industry is facing a major consolidation, with Taiwan's leading LCD panel makers engaging in detailed M&A talks to increase profitability.
Analysts and industry watchers say such moves, if realized, will help Korean LCD panel duo Samsung Electronics and LG Display raise their global market share.
"Chi Mei Optoelectronics (CMO) and AU Optronics (AUO) have restarted the merger talks to get through the economic downturn," an industry official told The Korea Times Sunday.
"Still, executives at CMO and AUO are talking to government officials to discuss government assistance and industry consolidation to ride out the current downturn amid mounting losses," according to the official, who didn't elaborate further.
Spokesmen for Samsung Electronics and LG Display declined to comment.
CMO is the world's fourth-largest flat-panel maker by revenue and Taiwan's second-largest after AUO.
In December, the Taiwanese government said it would welcome a consolidation of the island's flat-panel makers as a way to help unprofitable companies in the beleaguered sector suffering from massive losses.
According to market research firm DisplaySearch, the global shares of AUO and CMO in the fourth quarter of last year were 12.8 percent and 11.4 percent, respectively.
Industry leader Samsung Electronics captured 29.1 percent in LCD panels, followed by LG Display, with 24.7 percent.
"Prices of LCD panels have been showing a slight turnaround since January. But that doesn't necessarily mean struggling Taiwanese LCD makers will go to the black due to weaker client channels," another industry source said.
"Massive operating losses are expected for them in the first quarter. A large scale is pretty important for LCDs. Different corporate culture and management strategies are minor issues. Survival is more important," the source said, adding that the South Korean players raised their market share during the fourth quarter, while Taiwanese makers lost some 4 percentage points.
During the fourth quarter, AUO posted a record drop in quarterly sales, falling 42.6 percent to $1.8 billion.
Meanwhile, the two Taiwan companies put workers on unpaid leave from the end of last year, as they idled production facilities due to deteriorating global demand.
The possible industry consolidation is forecast to lift Samsung and LG Display.
Unlike cash-burning Taiwanese players, LG Display is holding 3.42 trillion won in internal reserves, meaning the company is ready to produce more advanced panels.
A Samsung spokesman declined to comment on the internal cash reserves of Samsung's LCD business.
LG Display CEO Kwon Young-soo earlier said it would boost utilization rates in its LCD facilities to 100 percent in March. Samsung also plans to sell 22 million LCD TVs this year ― an increase of 10 percent from 2008.
Samsung plans to slash its investment in LCDs by some 40 percent to below 2.5 trillion won over 2009.
Although Samsung's LCD division posted its first-ever operating loss during the fourth quarter, it still has room to offset falling profits due to strong client channels, such as Sony and Dell.
LCD panels are widely used in TVs, mobile phones and other high-end portable devices.
"If the situation gets worse for Taiwan LCD makers, the government may consider moving LCD lines in Taiwan to the mainland," Ahn Hyun-seung, an official at DisplaySearch Korea, said.
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正當本周由經濟部主導的DRAM整合將有初步定論之際,國內雙D的另一D產業—TFT-LCD面板產業,今日傳出台灣TFT-LCD雙虎—友達(2409)、奇美電(3009)已重啟合併談判,台灣面板雙虎將合併? 今日上午南韓早報指出,台灣兩大面板龍頭—友達、奇美電重啟合併談判,台灣面板兩虎將合併?友達上午表示,友達以開放的心胸看來待,只要對整體產業有利, 採開放態度,對此項傳言持不否認態度。奇美電上午也表示,該公司亦採開放態度思考產業的未來,但目前沒有任何具體的合併計劃。不過,因奇美電創辦人許文龍 日前指出,奇美電隨時可以換老闆。由於兩兆業者對合併採取開放態度,使得台灣面板兩虎合併的可能性與可行情,正逐漸增高。 兩個月前 傳合併 沒結果 事實上,友達與奇美電的雙虎談合併,早在去年12月份時已傳出,當時,友達、奇美電的12月份營收降至新低,而產能利用率降至50%以下的新低,奇美電更 甚至一度跌破40%。不過,後因大陸家電下鄉政策,送給友達、奇美電20億美元的面板採購優先權,為面板雙虎雪中送炭,因天降甘霖後,反而使得面板雙虎獲 得喘息,在大陸急單下,暫緩談合併。 奇美電創辦人許文龍去年底日前接受平面媒體專訪時表示,自己沒能力把奇美電經營好,讓很多人面臨失業,他感到很痛苦,奇美電隨時可以換老闆,許文龍認為面 板業不是奇美的,如果奇美沒有能力扶持就請別人來扶,老闆可以請別人來做,不一定要許文龍。奇美電裁員讓很多人沒頭路,許文龍說,其實他也很痛苦,不過公 司未來暫時還沒有整合計畫。 另今日市場傳出日本夏普準備把旗下六代廠賣給大陸上廣電,以日本夏普在不堪營運虧損與日圓升值重創的壓力下,近期傳出將與上廣電攜手,準備將位於三重縣龜山市的六代廠整廠技術(包括人員)輸出。 奇美電子總經理何昭陽表示,此舉將使過去幾年來全球面板業維持的恐怖平衡被摧毀,我國政府與業者都應該正視這項中日合作所可能產生的產業板塊移動效應與衝 擊。友達總經理陳來助則表示,過去以來夏普要與大陸業者合作的消息已經傳過太多次,目前正密切注意此事發展。但這項傳聞可能引動面板雙虎整併的意願。 李焜耀:面板景氣將好轉 【記者嚴珮華/台北報導】 面板景氣第一季就是谷底?今日面板龍頭友達光電 (2409)董事長李焜耀表示,面板景氣將是其他次產業中最快觸底者,且認為面板景氣將逐季好轉。大同華映 (2371)董事長林蔚山更進一步表示,今年面板景氣在第一季、第二季觸底,將逐漸好轉。 對於近日韓元貶值幅度大,使得新台幣與韓元在幣值競賽,使得台灣面板廠的競爭力上低於韓國,威脅台灣的面板產業,友達董事長李焜耀今日上午以「還可以吧!」說法回應。 【2009/02/23 聯合晚報】 |
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全球金融風暴導致台灣最引以為傲的兩兆元產業—半導體、面板最先動搖,今年只剩下一兆元都不到。DRAM本周由經濟部進行整併,而TFT-LCD面板雙虎傳出重啟合併談判,台灣兩兆元產業紛紛被迫進行整併,以力求生存。 今日由南韓傳回的消息,台灣兩大面板龍頭—友達、奇美電重啟合併談判,台灣面板兩虎將合併。今日不論友達、奇美電都採開放的心胸看來待,認為只要對整體產業有利,都有空間。過去,面板雙虎談合併,根本不可能,但是,這一次,可能性相當的大。 一位面板業重量級人士表示,友達、奇美電其實一直在談合併事宜,而且,是以友達光電為主導者,而且認為,此次友達、奇美電的整併成功的機率,將超過50%以上。 面板雙虎,龍頭與龍頭要談合併,主要的關鍵在於,經過這一次的全球金融風暴與經濟不景氣,發現面板產業已從單純公司與公司的競爭,變成國家與國家之間的競 爭關係。這一次,面板空頭景氣來臨時,全球四大面板廠,剛好一分為二,在台灣的面板廠單純的是面板業,而韓國的二大面板—三星與LGD,都是面板加下游的 品牌組合,在需求急減下,各家先用自家的面板,加上韓元的貶值,使得台灣面板廠去年第四季面臨嚴峻的挑戰下,友達、奇美電去年第四季各大虧266億元、 314億元,雙雙創下歷史單季虧損新高。 而去年中國家電下鄉,送上20億美元給台灣雙虎,原本以為台、中結盟有利對抗韓國,但是,今日傳出日本Sharp要賣6代線給上廣電,使得聯中抗韓的策略再遭改變,台灣面板產業自立自強,團體力量大才能衝破面板產業的桎梏。 事實上,自1997年成立的新興產業面板,每一次的空頭循環中都會有購併案,而每一次的購併案都令台灣的面板產業更強,一直走到今天全球前四大,且差一步,就有機會成為全球第一大。 而這樣的購併都以友達為首,當時還叫達碁 (友達的前身)於2001年左右購併了聯電集團的聯友光電,合併為友達,將友達直接推升為台灣前三大;之後2005年,友達併購廣達集團的廣輝電子,直接 變成第一大,至此,確立友達台灣第一大面廠。友達的每一次的合併都相當成功一如今,傳出友達要併奇美電,兩家合計一年超過7500億元的營收,成為台灣的 超級大廠。 TFT-LCD的整併沒有像DRAM那麼難,因為,雙虎TFT-LCD的技術生根發展,近幾年的發表技術已與國際大廠並駕齊驅,分析師表示,若友達購併成 功奇美電,成為台灣第一大之後,短期友達首先要面對的是奇美電高負債比例,以及重複的產能與產線整合。但面板長期發展需要成龐大的資金,還有面對韓國、中 國國家政策品牌與採購支持。 【2009/02/23 聯合晚報】 |