


以J. Spencer 2003發表在SMJ的paper為例,該研究想要了解廠商在1969-1989年間參與全球性的知識分享網路,對於研發績效的影響為何。在她的研究期間中,LCD/PDP/EL三個技術的知識交換網路被挑出來研究。Spencer提供三個技術的知識交換密度(用知識貢獻者的相互citation算出來的)簡表:

在這三個時期,廠商在LCD領域的知識交換最活躍,而且遙遙領先PDP與EL。Spencer資料說明LCD最後成為FPD產業的主流技術,可能就是因為早期的LCD參與者比較積極加入知識創造與分享的活動。探討LCD技術擴散的paper,也可以參考M. Stolpe(2002)的「Determinants of knowledge diffusion as evidenced in patent data: the case of liquid crystal display technology」一文。



引用ITIS 1997年全球液晶產業發展動向,資料來源:Nikkei Microdevice

然而,LCD跟PDP在技術上的確有一點關鍵差異:LCD可做小可做大,PDP可做大難做小。從競爭的角度來看,我若是PDP廠商,要儘快把PDP TV往更大的尺寸做,把成本壓低,即使LCD最終畫質可以追上PDP,也無法在價格上競爭。

不過,LCD的技術進步速度超乎想像,因為NB+Monitor+Mobile Phone所加起來的龐大installation base,吸引眾多參與者加入LCD生產鍊中。產能急速開出,價格猛烈波動,終端產品售價一路歡樂下滑。Sharp在2001年推出20吋LCD TV,二年後,第五代線如同青少年的青春痘到處長,大家很確定LCD TV的時代已經要到了。相較而言,投入PDP生產鍊的廠商家數不多,Spencer在1969-1989年資料中所看到的現象依舊存在,只不過,這時候,不是PDP參與者不願意參與知識交換的網絡,而是想要交流也沒有什麼人可以交流。

PDP廠商們的確很努力的想要維持大尺寸TV的價格優勢,也不斷強調PDP的好畫質就如同大家熟悉的CRT TV,但是防線仍一路潰散。這時,大家才發現原來大尺寸TV(40吋以上)的需求可能沒有來得這麼快。到現在,數據告訴我們,原來32吋的TV,對多數的消費者而言已經夠大了。
下一篇,從LCD與PDP的專利數、ASP、CAPX、TV size market share、廠商家數變化等歷史數據、以及PDP與LCD陣營的宣傳重點,都可以清楚看出PDP陣營所面臨的困境。

最後一篇,我打算以J. Eggers的「Failed Technologies and Investment under Uncertainty 」做為最後討論的收尾,來看看廠商在LCD與PDP同時都有投資的情況下,資源重配置的困難性。

Why the plug was pulled on plasma

By Robin Harding in Tokyo and Robin Kwong in Taipei 2009-02-16
For its Kuro plasma televisions, Pioneer promises “black levels [that] drop you into an endless abyss of depth and dimension”. Yesterday, the grim reality of its tiny market share in an industry that demands scale meant that the company had to push its TV business into an endless abyss.

Pioneer was a pioneer of flat panel plasma televisions, and the decision to close its TV business highlights both the problems of that technology, and the dire state of the wider television industry.

The television business has been hit by a slump in demand even as production capacity rose. Prices for televisions have fallen rapidly, and almost every Japanese producer – not least Sony – is losing money. Their problems are compounded by the strength of the yen. Pioneer's problems, however, are deeper than most, in part because it placed all its bets on plasma technology for making flat panel displays. In 2008, the rival liquid crystal technology (LCD) outsold plasma by about seven to one, according to data from research company DisplaySearch.

Plasma is still growing, with shipments up by 26 per cent to 15.1m last year. But as LCD grew at the expense of plasma, Pioneer's share of the global television revenues slipped from 3.4 per cent in 2005, to only 1 per cent during the first three quarters of 2008, while its share of television shipments fell to only 0.3 per cent.

Plasma and LCD panels, the core component of a flat television, are made in a similar way to computer chips and the lowest costs are achieved by producing on a very large scale. Panasonic's new plasma panel factory will cost Y280bn ($3bn) – more than double the total property, plant and equipment owned by Pioneer. Without enough scale, Pioneer was pushed out of panel production last year, like Sony, Toshiba and many others before it. Only three companies – Panasonic, Samsung and LG of Korea – still make the heart of a plasma television, and even they face a struggle to keep volumes high enough to compete with LCD.

Even for those who use LCD technology, such as Taiwan's flat panel makers, the past few months have been extremely difficult. Chi Mei Optoelectronics, the world's fourth biggest LCD panel maker, yesterday posted a record quarterly loss of T$31.08bn ($911m) in the final three months of last year, as consumer demand shrank rapidly.

Prices for TV panels have fallen dramatically, in some cases to levels below the manufacturer's cost, despite their efforts to cut production and reduce supply. Chi Mei said that by the end of last year it was using little more than one-third of its capacity. Even so, its average selling price for large-sized panels had nearly halved from a year ago, to a record low of $109.

One potential boost for the flat-panel TV market is demand from China, as Bejing's stimulus measures start to take effect. China this month announced a plan to help rural families to buy home appliances such as TVs, and separately promised $2bn worth of orders for Taiwan's TV manufacturers. Chi Mei said it expects its shipments to China to still grow by 10 to 15 per cent this year, making the country its biggest market.

Henry Wang, general manager of Witsview, a Taipei-based research consultancy, said these measures, though, may only provide a short- term boost. While it is very likely that TV panel prices will rebound by the end of this month, he says, “the end market demand still very uncertain”.

Meanwhile, the separation of panel production from TV assembly has left Japanese brands such as Pioneer struggling to command a premium price over those Taiwanese and Korean companies making similar products at lower cost.

Even when Pioneer made its own panels, while reviewers raved about the “amazingly deep black levels” of its Kuro televisions – “Kuro” means black in Japanese – most consumers could not discern enough difference to justify paying $3,500 for a 50-inch plasma display.

With the business making steady losses, and Pioneer's core car electronics business threatened by the economic downturn, “we came to the conclusion that we cannot expect profitability to improve”, said Susumu Kotani, Pioneer's president.

Pioneer therefore had little choice but to pull the plug, and become the latest TV brand to pass into history.

Nikkei BP:夏普液晶生產線看好上海的理由

附文是Nikkei BP 25日針對Sharp與SVA合作的評析,看到後,順道放了上來。

至於,若你有興趣了解Sharp的未來整體策略,可以參考Nikkei BP的這兩篇文章:
  1. 夏普新工廠──投建第10代液晶線與薄膜太陽能電池“聯合工廠”的目的
  2. 夏普新力兩社長聯袂解說合資液晶10代線的來龍去脈
第1篇談的是成本面(Vertical Integration + Economies of Scale)與範疇面(LCD+Solar Cell),第2篇談的是市場定位(Product Portofolio)與風險分攤(Risk Sharing)。
雖然目前Sharp-Sony 十代線進度因金融危機而減緩,但是,應不至影響到Sharp整個的策略佈局。


中國計劃在上海西南部的莘莊工業園區實施的液晶生產集群項目的整體構想。SVA考慮引進第六代、第八代底板生產線,目前已拿到工廠用地。圖片是《日經微器件》在“FPD China 2008”上拍攝的。框線、箭頭以及說明文字由《日經微器件》添加
日期: 02/25 00:01



關於液晶面板工廠的整合,夏普曾在2008年12月宣佈,部分中小型面板由第六代生產線即龜山第一工廠製造,關閉三重第一工廠和天理工廠的一部分生產線(參閱本站報導2)。 夏普表示,龜山第一工廠為轉而生產中小型面板,目前已經暫時停產。液晶電視用大型面板正由龜山第二工廠的支援第八代底板的生產線(底板尺寸為 2160mm×2400mm)製造。並計劃從2010年第一季度開始,啟動堺工廠(大阪府)的支援第十代底板的生產線(底板尺寸為 2850mm×3050mm)(參閱本站報導3)。




另一方面,中國正舉國致力於液晶電視面板生產的本地化。SVA正在考慮引進支援第六代底板的生產線和支援第八代底板的生產線,並已拿到了工廠用地 (圖)。SVA目前正在利用與NEC的合資企業——上海廣電NEC液晶顯示器有限公司(Shanghai SVA NEC Liquid Crystal Display) 在支援第五代底板的生產線上生產電視液晶面板(參閱本站報導4),同時還利用與富士軟片合資的上海廣電富士光電材料有限公司(SVA-FUJIFILM Opto-Electronic Materials)生產彩色濾光片。


夏普如果做出出售支援第六代底板的生產線,並在中國生產液晶面板的決定的話,將會帶來以下影響。首先會促進目前在中國國內正計劃上馬的液晶面板項目。另一個影響就是包括南韓、台灣面板廠商在內,在中國的液晶電視製造估計會大為加速。(記者:加藤 伸一)